When you use our services on specific set days, you might notice that your monthly charges have started to vary each month. This is because we now calculate our invoices based on the number of collections in that month. Let’s explain how daily service collections work.
Let’s assume we provide collection services for ABC Company, and in a typical month we collected on 13 of those days – that’s all the Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. For these 13 service days, their invoice would be £260 in that month.
But in some months, depending on when the week starts and ends, there could be 14 service days.
For that month, their invoice would be £280.
So, as you can see, their invoice might be higher in those months with more service days.
On the other hand, in a month with fewer service days, like 12 days, their invoice would be £240. So it can also work out to be less than the usual £260.
Here’s how that looks over the course of 3 months. Some months are slightly higher, some slightly lower. But over three months, the actual total amount paid is the same.
We understand that this might be a bit confusing, but remember, it’s all about the number of service days in a month.
This system offers several benefits:
- Increased billing precision
- Enhanced transparency
- Easier resolution of any billing disputes