The Top 5 Reasons to Recycle
By Liverpool’s Waste Management Professionals
As a Liverpool waste management specialist with close to 40 years of professional experience we are committed to recycling as much of the waste that we collect as possible due to all of the reasons to recycle.
The reasons to recycle are many and varied and, in fact, we believe that complete diversion away from landfill is a ‘must’ if we are to clean up planet for future generations.
So if your selection of recycle bins feel like a bind, take a look at our top 5 reasons to recycle and remember why we bother!
Reason to recycle number 1 – Uses less energy and preserves natural resources
Recycling waste uses less energy than destroying it.
Incinerating waste or storing it in landfill sites contributes harmful emissions to the atmosphere and adds to our carbon emissions.
Recycling waste makes materials available to use more than once, meaning that we need draw from the earth’s resources less regularly, preserving nature.
Reason to recycle number 2 – Creates less reliance on landfill
Landfill sites are ugly, smelly and bad for the environment. Nobody wants to live near one.
Nobody knows the full long term impact of dumping millions of tons of waste in this way.
We only have two options – to reduce our reliance on landfill sites or to keep creating more of them and, since the earth only has a certain amount of surface area, option one can only be an option for so long!
Sooner or later, we must divert our waste away from landfill. We are committed to making Liverpool’s waste management sustainable.
All you need to do it order to help us with our mission is to use your recycle bin.
Reason to recycle number 3 – Creates raw materials for new products
Plastic bottles don’t biodegrade – they will outlast all of us – but they can be turned into new plastic bottles. Similar is true of many recyclable items.
Creating new products from recycled materials takes less energy and is better for the environment in more ways that we can tell you. Trust us.
Reason to recycle number 4 – Lower environmental impact
In the UK alone, recycling prevents the release of millions of metric tons of carbon equivalent gasses into the air every year. This is the direct result of diverting away from landfill.
When you consider that to recycling aluminium cans takes 95% less energy than creating new ones, you realise that the environmental impact of recycling is even larger.
Reason to recycle number 5 – Better for wildlife
Obtaining raw, natural materials destroys habitats, including forests, wetlands and rivers. We’ve already caused enough destruction and there is no need to do it again.
Now we have everything we need, why not reuse it for the benefit of humans and animals?
Reasons to Recycle; We’ll Do it For You!
For safe, responsible, reliable Liverpool waste management with recycling as top priority, contact Central Waste today, we’ve been doing this for years so we can make sure everything is done properly.